
Two hour wargames minis
Two hour wargames minis

two hour wargames minis

Which was okay, but paper copy would have been more desirable.

two hour wargames minis

Since our printer is kaput, I had to use my teeny, tiny little tablet so scroll around on. I also lost my quick reference sheet so I had to improvise and use one taken online. In this case, I had no idea what different squad values were in Squad Leader so I was digging through my pile of cardboard pieces looking for an engineer squad (8-3-8 by the way, in case you were wondering. Remember your stands don't have data on them unless you've committed yourself to a certain rules set. I tried playing Squad Leader in Miniature (SLIM) a few weeks ago and it was a disaster because I had not done adequate preparation prior to play. When you can visualize in 3D, you can answer some of the rules questions easier so it eliminates the use of the LOS table and some ambiguity. The opportunity fire rules and Line of Sight in Arab Israeli Wars is a case in point. Wargaming these games on the tabletop eliminates some of the frustrating questions I had when gaming on a board with the rules. For games where a stand represents a platoon, this is usually easily accomplished. Just find out what a "hex" equals and find a way to equate it to inches (or cm's). In most cases they explain their methodology for morale, weapons penetration and effects, terrain, line of sight (so important in board-to-table wargaming) and the like. For the most part, they are painstakingly researched and written by wargaming giants like Jim Dunnigan, Frank Chadwick, and John Hill, so you know they've collectively done their homework on these sets.

Two hour wargames minis